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Weyou Group is expanding in Spain and launching five One to one Meetings Exhibitions in Marbella from November 2025.

Weyou Group, leader in the organization of mid-sized BtoB trade shows in France (in Paris and Cannes), announces the creation of Weyou Spain which will be in charge of the Group’s deployment in this new geography. This implementation will begin with the launch of five One to one Meetings exhibitions in MARBELLA from  November 2025 , selected from the Group’s French exhibitions  considered to be the most relevant to the targeted Spanish visitors . These fairs will consist of business meetings between decision-makers, selected for their projects and fully supported by Weyou Spain, and exhibitors from Spanish and international companies , offering their products and services. The One to one Meetings format was developed by the Group in France and has proven itself in Cannes, establishing itself for 12 years as the benchmark for the organization of qualified business meetings in France.

Cette implantation commencera par le lancement de cinq salons One to one Meetings à MARBELLA à partir de novembre 2025, sélectionnés parmi les salons Français du Groupe considérés comme les plus pertinents vis-à-vis du visitorat Espagnol ciblé.

Ces salons consisteront en des rendez-vous d’affaires entre des décideurs, sélectionnés pour leurs projets et totalement pris en charge par Weyou Espagne, et des exposants issus de sociétés espagnoles et internationales, proposant leurs produits et services. 

Le format One to one Meetings a été développé par le Groupe en France et a fait ses preuves à Cannes s’imposant depuis 12 ans comme la référence pour l’organisation de rendez-vous business qualifiés dans l’hexagone. 

About Weyou Group

BtoB trade shows
participants each year
exhibitors per year
One to one meeting
of contacts in database

Weyou Group , organizer of mid-sized “traditional” trade shows , is characterized and stands out from its colleagues by the creation in 2009 of the concept of one to one Meetings Exhibitions , premium trade shows held in Cannes with business meetings between exhibitors and key account visitors selected for their needs and fully supported.



From November 2025, Marbella will therefore host the following five trade fairs:

In order to guarantee its development in this location of choice, Weyou Spain has  already signed renewable contracts until the end of 2028 with its partners: the Palacio de Congresos, Ferias y Exposiciones de Marbella as well as the two 5* hotels most famous in Marbella, the Don Pepe and the Puente Romano.

Our upcoming trade fairs

Heavent Paris

NOVEMBER 12, 13 & 14, 2024

The professional show for innovation, solutions and services for events and shows

Affaire de Cadeaux

NOVEMBER 12, 13 & 14, 2024

The professional trade show for business gifts, motivational gifts and promotional items

Séminaire Expo

NOVEMBER 12, 13 & 14, 2024

The trade show for organising your seminars and conferences

Educatech Expo

NOVEMBER 13, 14 & 15, 2024

The professional exhibition for educational innovation

Workplace Meetings

NOVEMBER 19, 20 & 21, 2024

The one to one Meetings Exhibitions of services, products and layout for a better working environment

Healthcare Meetings

NOVEMBER 19, 20 & 21, 2024

The one to one Meetings Exhibitions show for solutions, management, layout, maintenance, specific medical equipment for common areas and private spaces of health and medical establishments

Interior & Exterior Design Meetings

NOVEMBER 19, 20 & 21, 2024

The one to one Meetings Exhibitions show for solutions, products, materials, decorative objects and furniture for the layout, renovation and decoration of all your luxury and ultra luxury products

All4Customer Meetings

SEPTEMBER 16, 17 & 18, 2025

The one to one Meetings Exhibitions show for customer experience, artificial intelligence, digital marketing, e-commerce and data

22 BtoB trade shows in Paris, Cannes and Marbella

8 Exhibitions fairs in Paris

All4Customer Paris (formerly Emarketing Paris and Customer Strategy), Workspace Expo , Salon de l’Environnement de Travail et des Achats , Europropre , Heavent Paris , Affaire de Cadeaux , Séminaire Expo , Educatech.

9 one to one Meetings Exhibition shows in Cannes

Hotel & Restaurant Meetings , IT & Cybersecurity Meetings , Heavent Meetings , All4Customer Meetings (formerly CRM Marketing E-Commerce Meetings), Transports & Logistics Meetings , Workplace Meetings , Interior Design Meetings, Healthcare Meetings , Pack & Storage Meetings.

5 one to one Meetings Exhibitions in Marbella

All4Customer Meetings Spain, Hotel & Restaurant Meetings Spain, Interior Exterior Design Meetings Spain, IT Cybersecurity Meetings Spain, Workplace Meetings Spain.

Weyou Group, organisateur de salons professionnels “traditionnels” de taille intermédiaire, se caractérise et se démarque de ses confrères par la création en 2009 du concept des salons one to one Meetings Exhibitions, salons premium se tenant à Cannes avec rendez-vous d’affaires entre exposants et visiteurs grands comptes sélectionnés pour leurs besoins et totalement pris en charge.


Digital solutions

Weyou Group is also a unique digital platform in Europe bringing together all of the group’s digital solutions, which allows for an impressive gain in efficiency and speed. It also has a multitude of algorithms.

Weyou Analytics

An analytical platform that allows us to constantly improve

Click to turn

Weyou App

An application for visitors, Top Deciders and exhibitors to manage their participation in real time

Weyou Matchmaking

one-to-one matching algorithm

Click to turn

Weyou Data

Algorithms in development with the aim of optimizing the quality of our visitors and Top Decision Makers as well as ease of access and use for our exhibitors thanks to data

A look back at 6 events in 2024


A look back at the latest edition of the trade show for customer experience, digital marketing, e-commerce, data and artificial intelligence. Don’t miss the next edition, on 1, 2 & 3 April 2025 in Paris.


Here’s a look back at the latest edition of Europe’s leading business tourism and events exhibition, one to one Meetings Exhibitions. Don’t miss the next edition, on 26, 27 and 28 March 2025 à Cannes.

SETA 2024

A look back at the latest edition of the trade show for services, technical management and technological innovations for business. Don’t miss the next edition, on 25, 26 and 27 March 2025 in Paris.


Here’s a look back at the latest edition of the trade show for furniture, design and workspaces. Don’t miss the next edition, on 25, 26 and 27 March 2025 in Paris.


A look back at the latest edition of the one-to-one Meetings Exhibitions exhibition of solutions, products, materials, furnishings and interior and exterior decoration for your luxury and ultra-luxury hotels. Don’t miss the next edition, on 18, 19 and 20 March 2025 in Cannes.


A look back at the latest edition of the one-to-one Meetings Exhibitions exhibition for networks, cloud, mobility and cybersecurity. Don’t miss the next edition, on 18, 19 & 20 March 2025 in Cannes.